Tuesday, March 4, 2014


Setting: Husband and I are lying in bed. I'm reading my Kindle, he's on his tablet.  Suddenly, I look up.

Me: "Here. It's kicking."  (I grab his hand and put it on my stomach.)
Him: "There it is. There it is again.  Wow, it's kicking really hard."
Me: "That's your child."
Him: "It sure is."
Me: "Kicking the crap out me." 
Him: (Affectionately) "Yeah."

Setting: I'm in my chair, reading my Kindle, and bawling my eyes out.  Husband enters the room and sees me sobbing.

Him: "Sweetie, what's the matter?"
Me: (still sobbing) "Nothing.  I'm fine."
Him: "What are you reading?"
Me: "Shogun."
Him: "Oh, is it a romantic part?"
Me: "No, I'm reading about the fuedal lords who are trying to out-manuever each other militarily in order to gain political strength."
Him: "...and that's making you cry?"
Me: "I don't know why the hell I'm crying."
Him: "Oh. Well, let me know if there's anything I can do to help, okay?"
Me: "'Kay. Thanks, sweetie."

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