Thursday, June 23, 2016

Throwback Thursday June 23rd 2016 - Our twenties

This is from either 2001 or 2002.
The fact that my sisters and I are all looking in different directions really brings home how we were in completely different places, but none of us knew what we were doing. 

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

I've Spent All My Confidence.

I think I'm in confidence-debt, but I can't really afford to stop spending it now.

For those of you who don't know, my two-year-old son is autistic.  He was diagnosed in February when he was 20 months old.  He's been receiving ABA since then.  I have to say, my whole family really snapped into action when I told them.  My husband's parents came out of retirement from Hawaii, flew back here, and set up their house with a bunch of toys. It looks like a daycare.  This benefits not only us, but my in-laws. I have a neuro-typical (non-autistic) nephew who is eight months younger than my son, and my parents-in-law are just as happy to spend time with him too.  They've taken some of the burden of my son's therapy schedule, so I don't have to miss work all the time and subsequently, make up those hours on the weekends. 

But we haven't been supported in every arena.  The Regional Agency we've been using fights us on every request.  I understand why.  They're overloaded with cases, and the less they do for my son, the older he gets, and the closer he is to aging out of the Early Start Program.  In addition to ABA, I'm sure that my son needs Occupation Therapy and Speech Therapy.  I was denied the OT by my caseworker.  So I've had to fight. I started by sending adamant emails. I then stepped up my game by attending the agency's board meetings, meeting the board members, and my caseworker's boss.  That seemed to work. I have a meeting scheduled to talk about the OT again, and am preparing for it by gathering the notes from my pediatrician, and from the head therapist who has been working with my son. 

I have a big binder with tabs.  I am organized AF. 

But I'm also SO exhausted.  I realized how lonely I am when I listened to my daycare provider complain (in a rather racist way) about people on welfare and how they exploit the system.  Sadly, she's a person who complains about a system she doesn't understand, and lumps all people into one category.  This made me sad. And lonely. I miss my friends.  My friends are critical thinkers who can hold rational dialogues without resorting to logical fallacies. 

So. very. lonely.

Monday, June 6, 2016

Night-time commentary

Between putting the toddler to bed, and then myself to bed, I curl up in the corner of the couch, in the dark, with my nightcap, and watch Star Trek.  In an effort to make this activity a little less lonely, I include the internet.

Friday, June 3, 2016

My Accomplishments May Not Impress You

Wow, I'm terrible at updating this thing. 

My last post was a picture Odyssey of my friendship with Ken.  He's doing quite well, by the way. He's got a spanking new pacemaker and an extended lease on his life. I'm thrilled about that, and I'm sure his family is too, seeing as how his son just turned nine. 

Anyway, I thought I'd take a moment to list some of my latest accomplishments. These may not seem extraordinary. I haven't tromped up Kilimanjaro.  But I do work 40 hours a week, and I manage to get my son his 15 hours of behavioral therapy a week for his autism.

I've been working quite closely with my budget in order to afford a couple of Crossfit classes a week.  It appears to be working because it's been nearly two years since I had my kid, and I'm only five pounds away from my pre-baby weight. This is exciting to me. Also, I did a hand-stand for the first time in years.  I forgot how much fun they are.  I want to do them more, now, but there is really a lack of wall-space where I live right now.

Also, after I put the boy to bed, I have about an hour of time to myself. I should be paying bills or doing something responsible, I'm sure, but instead, I've been watching episodes of Star Trek (The Original Series), from the beginning, in order.  I'm having a LOT of fun with that.  Something about old science-fiction plots mixed with sixty year old socio-cultural norms cracks me up. I've also been posting my impressions to twitter. 

Here are some examples:

Star Trek "TheApple:" The cast of Jersey Shore beta-tests an early Hunger Games environment. #StarTrek
— Beccajoojoo(@beccajoojoo) May 31, 2016

Star Trek episode "I, Mudd:" We learn that the best way to destroy an android is with Theatre of the Absurd. #StarTrek #Theatremajors
— Beccajoojoo(@beccajoojoo) June 3, 2016

Star Trek episode "Catspaw:" *spoiler* THEY WERE MANTIS SHRIMP THE WHOLE TIME. Also, did a 5-yo do costume-design? Also, cute cat. #StarTrek
— Beccajoojoo(@beccajoojoo) June 2, 2016

Star Trek "TheDoomsday Machine:" Avoiding Sauron's butthole, and Decker, you so crazy! #StarTrek
— Beccajoojoo(@beccajoojoo) May 31, 2016

And now, I'm learning that embedding Tweets into my blog isn't working, and I don't know as much about HTML as I thought I did.

Never mind. It isn't as though more than 3 people read this anyway.