Tuesday, February 2, 2016

I'm not ignoring you. I'm ignoring life.

I stopped posting because some things in my life went all sideways.  I really didn't want to talk about them in an open forum (I still don't), and I couldn't think about anything ELSE, so I simply abandoned the blog. 

I don't mean to be cryptic. I just believe that I have the right to keep some things to myself until a time when I'm ready to discuss them.

That said, I guess I feel an obligation not to shut down completely, and to try to take joy in the aspects in my life that I can still rely on. 

One thing that makes me smile twice a day is when I drop off and pick up my boy from daycare.  He is currently in the care of a wonderful lady, "Maria," who runs a small licensed daycare out of her home. She and her husband are from Portugal. She plays with the kids, feeds them her own home-cooked food, and is playful, but at the same time, doesn't suffer fools.  She's the boss.  I adore her.  Occasionally, I hear her speaking in Portuguese to her husband or one of her sons.  I thought it sounded pretty, so I went out and bought:

Have you ever listened to these?  They're kind of hilarious.  Side note: When I first tried to buy this from Amazon, they sent me the wrong discs. I didn't know it because the packaging was correct, the discs were even labeled correctly, but when I popped them into the player in my car?  RUSSIAN.  They were clearly speaking Russian.  It took me a full five minutes of doubting my own ears to realize it.  Anyway, returned them, got the right ones a few days later.  No foul.

So, on my long commute to and from work, the boy and I have been listening to conversational, touristy Portuguese. My pronunciation is atrocious. Maria LOVES that I'm learning it and quizzes me every time I come over.  I think she favors me because S is one of her only full-time charges.  Also, I bring her avocados.  Hey, I'll take any favoritism I can get, and build goodwill whenever I can.

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