Tuesday, November 3, 2015

It's okay. I'm not going to make you join my cult.

What you've heard is true: I go to Crossfit.


I'm not an athlete, but I do see the value of exercise, and so I try to make it part of my life.  I've done this most of my life.  As a kid, I had the normal hatred of physical education.  Year after year I failed Ronald Regan's stupid physical fitness requirements.  I wasn't inactive, though. I rode bikes with my friends, went hiking with my Dad, and every summer I would beg my mom to take me to the pool every day.  I swam on the junior varsity team in high school (I was the slowest one, but what the hell, I was moving, right?).  I was at my heaviest and most out-of-shape at college.  In my 20s I went with my friends to cardio-kick-boxing, yoga, and finally joined a gym, all in an effort to be a semi-healthy adult. 

I suppose Crossfit is simply the next incarnation of my "hey, I should maybe exercise because I'm feeling super-out-shape these days" semi-self-awareness.  That's the best way I can describe my motivation. This is not exciting to me. This like taking vitamins, or getting one's car serviced.  It's a thing you need to put on the to-do list. 

Here's my list of reasons I'm doing Crossfit, and not some other exercisey thing:

1. It is at my work.  This is the most compelling reason.  I have a child now.  I cannot schedule any time for myself without inconveniencing at least one person.  My lunch-break is my ONLY flexible hour now. 

2. It is efficient. Crossfit is this crazy thing where you get a ridiculously intense workout in the space of that one precious hour of free time I call my own.

That's it. It's a short list. 

Today at Crossfit we did something that involved squatting while holding a bar with weights on your shoulders.  We kept adding weights until we were too scared to add more.  Then we did some timed death-race of two things called "wall-balls" and "burpees."  However, in my mind I called them "not-my-face" and "hey-it's-your-ex-just-kidding."

I only go once a week.  It's all I can afford right now.  Once a week seems to be pretty good, though.  I've lost 15 lbs of baby-weight since I started about five months ago.  10 more lbs, and I'll be the weight I was at my first pre-natal doctor visit.  Here's hoping.

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