Thursday, January 30, 2014

5 months and counting

2 Things that need doing:

The Carpet - This has been a comedy of errors ever since we picked 2 colors and one of them didn't exist anymore.  Well, purple exists as a rule, but not in the texture and thickness we want.  This led to a miscommunication about when the carpet would be installed.  We picked a replacement color and were just informed that THAT color doesn't exist either. Finally, frustrated because our house is inside-out, we said, "DO IT ALL IN BLACK. DO YOU HAVE ENOUGH OF THAT?"  Still waiting for the return phone call. Le sigh.

Baby Registry - I've been dreading this.  I know most new moms adore this part because it involves shopping.  I don't mind shopping, but I feel completely clueless about what I really need and what stores and the media THINK I need.  I will require a sherpa for this particular task, and my friend K has generously volunteered to help me.  Again, schedule coordination is needed because her new boss is a super-demanding 1-year-old. 


  1. Heh, registry. Totally know how you feel. Didn't really have any idea what to get or go through. I reached out to Jess (Ben's sister) for some initial ideas. Again, here to help if you want any more. :)

  2. I went to Babies R Us with my friend and her 1 year old. I had so many questions, and she had all the answers. It was great. Also, this hand-me-down situation is AWESOME. I just need to find a pregnant lady due after me to pass them on to.
