Morris Dancing!
Picture taken...maybe 2001? 2002? Not totally sure.
I used to do this thing called Morris Dancing. It's English in origin. It's done in sets of six (or eight). You wear bells on your legs and smash sticks together. There are different traditions named after towns in England. I danced with Seabright Morris, a group in Santa Cruz. We would practice on Wednesday nights, and on May 1st, we'd dress up and dance all over the town. I did this for about 3 years before I quit for personal reasons. I didn't keep in touch with any of the other dancers. I assume some of the older folks are dead, and those who had kids have seen them off to college. Yeah, it was that long ago. My favorite memory of Morris Dancing was attending the Midwest Morris Ale in Wisconsin.
I've done a rubbishy job of explaining Morris Dancing here, but if you're really interested, go use a search engine. I'm not hot-linking for ANYBODY.